Rallitek Overload Springs vs Sumo Springs

I’ve searched but haven’t found much of a comparison between these two options to minimize rear sag during towing. Does anyone have any comments on either of these for a Gen 6 OB? More specifically, any information about one of the deserts would be even better.

I’m not really looking for extra lift, but it seems the Rallitek OL springs provide a small amount of lift. Is it reasonable to only do the rears?

The current overload springs seem to be a cleaner, longer lasting, more factory option. One downside would be the installation process.

Sumo sumo are easily installed and can be easily removed if necessary. Not as clean or “elegant” as the spring replacement.

I also haven’t settled on Rallitek, that’s just what I’ve seen mentioned often. Other options are welcome.

Other pros and cons? The impact of each on travel quality? Any tricks/tips I should know about?

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