Here’s another defender to watch. I have one waiting to be installed here even though my keyboard doesn’t show those kinds of scratches either.
Hey, it looks better than the Xpel, as it has the right cutout for the front camera switch. The Xpel kit looks like crap out there, and would be a deal breaker for me. Having said that, I would MUCH prefer a kit that doesn’t require splashing water on electronic components like the phone screen. So we’ll keep looking for something like that. The infotainment area should be easy since it’s all flat. The center console can only be partially covered in flat areas. Xpel film (and others) needs tons of heat to get through complex bends, so if it covers that area completely (down to the chrome part) you’ll need a heat gun for sure, and I wouldn’t freaking use one there. I’ll wait until I start seeing scratches on my keyboard. If I don’t, I’ll leave it alone. I would buy something that doesn’t require water for sure, so please post if there is such a kit. Thank you.