OBW Gas Mileage | Subaru Outback Forums

My Outback is a Limited XT, not the Wilderness, but go into your cruise control settings: when I got it my car was at the 2nd most aggressive setting for the adaptive cruise control accelleration. I bumped it down a notch, since these turbos love to eat gas when you push the throttle. Not sure if that will help, but it might.

I was able to get the mileage rating for my car when I wasn’t using the a/c, but now that we’re in December, I have noticed a drop in my mileage. Perhaps it is winter fuel blend?, and/or because I put snow tires on the car.
I live in NJ so the max speed limit here is 65 – I rarely set my cruise control any higher than 75. (lots of times people are going faster!)

If I don’t use cruise control it is easy to get lower mpg.

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