. . . , it blows when I activate 2 things. 1) the parking light switch on top of the steering column. 2) switching on the lights from daytime head lamps to nighttime lamps pops the fuse and does not permit the rear running lights to illuminate. But the headlights work just fine.
I take it then that the fuse does not blow when the Hazard lights are turned on (as was mentioned in the your first post).
In both cases in the quote, the same circuit is being turned on, namely, the external clearance/marker, tail, and licence plate lights (aka “parking lights”). As there is probably a short in that circuit, it stands to reason that either switching method would lead to the same fuse blowing. The headlights, stop lights, turn signals, and hazards are all different circuits with different fuses; fuse #5 is not directly involved. The wiring diagram for the “Clearance and Illumination system is attached. The second page show the lights that are powered through fuse #5.
Rather than using fuses to troubleshoot, use a multimeter. If fuse #5 blows as soon as the lights are switched on, then there’s a short. The multimeter can be used to measure the resistance to ground at the fuse. By removing all eight related bulbs (see page 2 of the wiring diagram), the multimeter would then be reading the resistance to ground of the wiring system alone. (The resistance should normally be very high, i.e., open circuit.) I suspect it will show a short (as in the case I linked above.) From there, it’s a matter of separating connectors in the circuit to isolate parts of the wiring, and look for change in the meter reading. The connectors are identified in the wiring diagram. Most are near the light bulb assemblies.
When the Parking Lights switch on the steering column is Off, and, the ignition switch is at Off, there should be no voltage at either fuse box terminal of fuse #5. This should be verified with the multimeter (voltage reading). If confirmed, then remove fuse #5 and make the resistance measurements from the lower contact in the fuse panel to ground. (I believe the lower contact is the downstream connection to the wiring going to the bulbs.)