This is a bit of a strange question. I’m hoping to get some sort of insight into this situation, not sure where to go. I have a ’22 Limited with 1800 miles. The dealer recently replaced the accelerator pedal assembly due to a loose connection to the bracket. I’m only removing the two bolts, but it works very close to the steering wheel/column. However, upon delivery of the car, the first thing I noticed was the steering wheel being off center from the instrument cluster. Not in the sense where the steering wheel isn’t straight out of alignment, but the actual steering wheel/column isn’t dead center of the dash like it used to be.
The dealership measured it to see if there was a difference and it was about 1/8″ at least to the left of a model they had in stock, and said they didn’t notice anything wrong due to manufacturing variance. Being my car and driving it every day for the past month i can tell something is off (especially at night) and it’s driving me crazy.
I tried fiddling with the steering column and telescopic adjustments, but they are pretty solid. Is it anyway possible that their technician did something wrong or accidentally hit something to change the alignment of the wheel altogether? Or am I seriously tripping over it?
You smell it before you notice the problem, it never goes away. Not sure if I should call Subaru or not. Any knowledge would help.
Thank you!