Negative Battery Terminal Replacement | Subaru Outback Forums

How much did it cost, may I ask?

$50, which is absurdly expensive for what it is, but it’s worth the peace of mind for me. I didn’t like the idea of ​​having a loose battery post. If it gets released again, at that point I’ll probably just fabricate a new part or find an alternative solution

As you probably know, 29182 is not an integer part number. There are 8 parts starting with those 5 numbers, just for a 2021 Outback.
Part number 29182AA11A for a 2020 Outback.

Yes, I was only referring to the number from the parts diagrams for the 2022 exterior in which the part is mysteriously referenced by this number; photo of the packaging below to remove any doubt. It looks just like the stock one, and works well as a replacement.

Why are there 8 parts listed – yes, that search part of the Subaru website seems to have errors, and it lists all sorts of parts incompatible with the selected year and model, including those for the WRX, Forester, etc. If you click on the individual part pages, only one of them is actually shown as compatible with the 2022 outback, but all of them appear in the results. Something to be aware of. Fortunately, you can also enter the VIN when placing the order for verification (not sure if anyone checks this, I’m assuming someone or something does).

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