Wilderness Roof Rail | Subaru Outback Forums

Where are you finding the schematics for roof rails? …but Im not sure if the roof itself is a different design than regular Outbacks.

Very helpful parts guy at Valley Subaru, Longmont. But was able to find similar online here. 2020 Body parts schematic
my guess/interpretation of the dotted redlines as instances of the N370025 nut & washer from studs apparenty embedded in the rail assembly itself

I think this is the equivalent page for 2022 wilderness 2022 2.4r-w is this wilderness?? pls check my work. note the aforementioned extra dotted redlines, which i’m assuming means more studs from the rails; which might mean more holes in the roof or perhaps using all the holes in the roof.
starting page is subaru parts model selection page

I see Prinsu is in Idaho Falls, drove through there this summer, planned to talk to them, but ran out of time.

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