What’s up with thermostats? | Subaru Outback Forums

I decided to go ahead with installing a new water pump, and stopped by Napa to pick up a new thermostat. Parts guy came out with a 170F. I said, no, no, I need a 190 or 192. No problem. He rummages in the back and comes up with a 192. I get it home, open the box, and what’s stamped on the wax motor? 170F. So now I’m looking for a thermostat, and everywhere I look, I find 170’s, with 192F available as special order. Oh, and everything I’m seeing is made by Motorad, although there are different names on the boxes. I’m just going to reuse the original at this point.

My suggestion is that if you buy a thermostat, check the marking on the pellet before you install:

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