Quick question, I have realized today while getting a new tire for the ascent mounted, and looking at a slow leak on an old car looked at at Costco, that they always charge a tpms service pack fee, but don’t change the parts they illustrate inside the counter area. In other words, the metal piece is claimed to be changed on the older metal tpms, but it’s not.
on the new Subaru tire, the tpms is mounted to a rubber traditional tire stem, or there is something else. The question is – does the present ascent tpms have any washer that needs replacing as a tpms service or does it fit like a regular tire stem – by pressure of its rubber against the sides of the opening ?
I ask because today they said my tpms stem on the pathfinder is leaking and I said yes because apparently I pay the fee for the service pack, but it never gets done. Then they came up with they are frozen by corrosion, so I checked it and it’s not frozen . I guess they sell a lot of sensors with that type Of ad campaign.
I replaced two tires in December and the fee for tpms came out to about $14.00, but now I know how to tell that is was not done.
We will be happy to hear your thoughts