Timing Issue? | Subaru Outback Forums

Hey all,

I pulled my H6 in my ’05 to do head gaskets. Engine back in I have crank no start. I have fuel pressure and plugs are wet, I have good spark. I occasionally get a weak backfire. So, timing. But I have checked and re-set my timing chain three times now and it is 100% set as per the factory manual. So, what could be happening? It was running beautifully before I parked it to do the heads.

Intuition tells me anything electrical like a sensor or ECU would cause a no-spark issue not a “spark at the wrong time” issue. Has anyone experienced a timing issue causing a no-start situation that wasn’t the timing chain?

I am at an absolute loss with this, I have had an auto electrician look at it and I’ve pulled a favor with a mechanic mate, both are stumped.

Two pointers that this could be electrical/electronic – on cranking I have no tacho, and using the scan tool it recognizes both cam sensors and the crank sensor but neither show a wave form under cranking. Not sure if either of these are normal or what would cause this.

I’m at the point where I’d swap the motor out but I’m not convinced it will solve my problem.

Any ideas?

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