Anyway, since this procedure involves disconnecting the battery and using the brake to fully drain the electrical system, I thought it might be helpful to remind folks that there is a list of things in the 2015 FSM that are supposed to be done after reconnecting the battery:…fter-battery-disconnection-2.html#post2926242
(odd thing is I can’t get this or any other file to download from the forum lately – luckily I already had this file saved)
Seems most folks get by just fine ignoring this list with the exception of resetting the windows, but, personally, I like to follow the recommended throttle and idle calibration. Basically, after reconnecting the battery, you put the ignition in the ON position without starting the engine (2 presses with your foot off the brake for pushbutton start). Leave it there for at least 10 seconds for the throttle to complete adjustment. Next, start the engine and make sure no additional loads are present (lights, AC, etc). Without touching the gas pedal, let the engine idle until fully warmed up (radiator fan activates at least twice). Done.