Not fixing a tooth, but the clear coat is cracked

Our 2019 Climb received a 4- to 5-inch scratch on the rear panel just above where the plastic meets the metal. The tooth repair guy seems sure it was probably a cart. The problem is that at the bottom edge of the scratch, there is a hard crease with cracked paint (or at least the clear coat). He was before he could fix 80% of the scratch, but there would still be a small scratch. He suggested going to another place that he would be able to paint as well.

My wife and I decide we can get away with scratching. We are also pessimistic that we can fix it and then the car can be damaged again within a year. In my Outback, I had it bolted on the driver’s side, fixed it, and then shut down after 3 weeks, so I’m reluctant to repair anything cosmetic. However, I am concerned about eventual rust due to cracking in the paint.

So if I don’t repair the scratch, should I do anything to protect the metal below the crack?
I read about using nail polish just to protect the metal. For the scratch itself, we can place a large magnet on it.

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