I’ve been so lucky and grateful to be a part of this community, so I decided to spend my time this weekend advocating for all you! There’s a long list of items I discussed with the engineers, designers, and product team, on behalf of you all (and on behalf of the Subaru Wilderness community I help lead).
Stay tuned next week when I release my video and go into detail about all the things I discussed with them!!!
It was an absolute blast and we had designers, engineers and product team members from Subaru Research and Development USA, SBR Japan and SoA!!! (and bi/multilingual team members who translated for some of the engineers and designers from Japan who were not fluent in English).
A LOT of notes were taken and video/audio was recorded of the things I aired and suggested, so hopefully I’ve managed to help knock a few more items off everyone’s wish list in a future release!!!!
So again, THANK YOU to all of you who have contributed ideas, voted in polls here and on Facebook, and made suggestions on how to improve Ascents (or Subies in general).
That thanks is not only from me, but also from the engineers, designers, and product team to whom I shared many of your posts, survey responses, and comments.
The boy in the yellow vest (Yamaken) and the boy to his left (Tady), are MORE important to the future of Subaru. To have them literally camping with us and discussing all our ideas and concerns was AWESOME.
More about who they are in the video.