I recently visited the remote site near Ely, Nv off highway 50. The cruise from Las Vegas to Ely is set at 79mmh and the resulting mileage 24.5mpg. The return trip cruise is set at 79 mph. resulting in 28.5 mpg. Destination Illipah 40 miles west of Ely toward Eureka on Highway 50 The Loneliest Road in America.
Illipah Reservoir is very boring due to seepage. Caught only two fish. One already dead. The wind blows from the inaccessible side. It went down the steep bank to the water’s edge leaving a wet track.
I noticed the flat tire when it was about to leave. 2 miles from highway 50. Flat channel does not fill the tire. It was necessary to improvise the support for the electric jack that enabled the tire to be inflated.
Dilemma: Return to Ely 40 miles or cross the open range 40 miles to Lund via the Rancher trails or over Sagehen Spring near the ghost town of Hamilton. Many years ago it was with a friend who had a condo at S!0 Pickup in Sagehen Spring. The donut stand was a disaster. The S10 would pull the rear bumper and high center. Really stuck in the middle of nowhere. The garbage truck, left where it died, had old tires that had wheels. We expect a boot, perma tex on the S10 tire. Used chain around tire to close and fill with poor quality small battery air pump. 20 miles on Highway 50 and 40 in Eureka.
On this trip I used the flat setup and chose the Ely, all went well and chose to go all the way to Las Vegas, the discount tire removed a 1.5 inch lag bolt from the tire. The flat fix doesn’t live up to its fill-and-go requirements. see Attachment
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