I’m planning on doing a “engine maintenance kit” for my Outback Wilderness (30k miles) to get rid of some of the carb build up. So before I take off the throttle body chamber to clean it I want to get a spear gasket just in case the old gasket doesn’t reseal and leaks. From what I was able to find from diagrams, it seems like the 2.4 Turbo doesn’t carry a gasket sheet between the throttle body chamber to the intake manifold. Instead it looks like a rubber O-ring that provide the gasket seal. I’m not 100% sure if this correct or if the part number is not showing on the websites or if the diagram is just drawn incorrectly?
Part Number: 16175AA53A
Throttle Chamber
Throttle Chamber Gasket
Does anyone know? Also if there is a gasket sheet and a rubber O-ring, should I get both?