I will go by what the book says.
I see a lot of people online actually saying 500 miles for the first one. Just think how much damage you’re all doing for those 500 second miles with all those sharp metal shavings bouncing around everywhere. ??? Better to do it with 500. ??
Seriously though, I think this mentality is based on old cars. very old cars. Most here seem to be people who don’t even hold their backsides much more than 100k. (my first one went to 250K and the current runs strong at 170L without a 1K oil change). Just my opinion.
I found this dissenting opinion (from over 10 years ago):
“Increasingly, manufacturers recommend AGAINST any particular short-term oil change or magic oil formulas, generally speaking this prevents a complete breaking program. in any case, to ensure that the warranty cannot be extended to you in the event of a problem near the end of the warranty period, change it exactly when your manual says.
grizzled old farts who have heard enough stories and replaced enough engines laugh until they drop and whistle whenever someone repeats this information. they tell you exactly what kind of metal shavings, chips and foundry sand come out of the drained oil and cut filter at the first oil change, whether it’s at 500 miles or 5000. how their eyebrows arch and their hands cup and pour , the blood gets cold.
the truth is in between. there will be extra gross during the first few oil changes. Finer particles of this gradient circulate with oil and contribute to easy scratching of the piston walls. This is said to be a good thing with the tighter tolerances the engines are built to and provide a ring/cylinder surface that doesn’t get covered in burn marks and cause oil leaks as the engine wears. car manufacturers say they take this into account… aka, you are the last machine of the engine and only if you follow their breakdown plan can they honor the engine warranty.”