The two wire thing is your ambient air temperature sensor… used for lots of things. One thing is the display on your HVAC for outside air temperature, might be a good way to see if it’s reading anything.
The three wires – the black goes to ground, the red/blue comes from the fuse for that circuit, that’s the power – fuse #30 in the engine compartment.
The white is a LIN communication wire going to your ECM. That you would just check for continuity. If it’s broken somewhere, you would get that error. Likely the shutter module there stopped working, the housing all around the electronic part looks cracked / stressed.
there is a blurb to do these things if the ECM or Active Grille Shutter is replaced… BUT – the active grille shutter is auto initializing, so it should do this on it’s own, I think the point here is that you would use subaru’s diagnostic software to view this value and see the shutter respond… Nothing to do if you replace it, other than check the operation in the software.
you’d start the engine, after 3 minutes, run the system operation check, and watch for the active grille shutter part to complete successfully.
no way to manually make it do anything.
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