About 1.5 years ago I was advised that at the next major service, the steering rack would need to be replaced. When they went to install, 2 problems came up. One of the store managers mentioned that it was odd because the replacement shelf “just didn’t fit.” It wasn’t quite right somehow. And the other issue was, the power steering pump cavitated when it was put back in and now it had to be replaced.
After a long time getting a Subaru pump and rack that was supposed to fit, I left. And over the course of the next 2-5 months, I could feel the power steering getting significantly worse. I repeatedly warned the shop that it was not right, it often felt similar to driving with bald tires or low air, it was often a struggle to get out of a parking spot. It was more noticeable when the car was warm and the outside temperature was warmer.
They were sure it was the rack and a tight fit was noted, but after looking closely they saw that the “power steering pump pressure switch by wire was burnt”. They had the pump under warranty and replaced it. (during this repair, during a test run, the radiator hose came off and now needed a new radiator…)
Here I am, a few months into this second pump and I can feel the steering pump struggling. I asked for more details about the rack fit and how exactly this was accomplished. Because I assume the shelf is affecting the pump. The shop says that although there are reports of the replacement steering rack having a manufacturing problem, (others have had to warranty them and replace them), they took the steering wheel to fit and that they are safe that the first pump replaced failed was simply a problem of a faulty pump.
Are these two parts connected in such a way that the steering rack causes the steering pump to go bad and stress it quickly? I’m fully anticipating that they will find this pump misfiring, based on how it was running for me. The car came in today, for an alignment check because it pulls dramatically to the right at any speed, an oil change –– and to check this power steering pump.