Falken Wildpeak AT Trail thoughts and review

(Yes, I borrowed a leather cap for entry)

I’ve had this tire since last fall (September 2021) and thought it was time to finally document my thoughts.

Overall, I think it’s a solid tire for those suited to the typical Outback (and Subaru) driver.

But for me it’s just an aggressive all-season tire.

It is very livable as a daily driver and I even bought it twice as we had a kit installed in the Baja.

But coming from this tire’s big brother, the Falken Wildpeak AT3, I wasn’t just uninspired by it.

It performed worse than the AT3 in most off-road scenarios and performed very similarly in most on-road scenarios.

I wouldn’t recommend this tire for snow and I definitely wouldn’t recommend it for ice.

All that said, I think it’s a good option for someone to be realistic about their expectations for their Subaru.

If one drives 99% on the road and takes the occasional fire trail or power line, this is a solid choice and I’m happy for the competition.

I hope my thoughts and experiences can help someone make an informed decision.

Be sure to enjoy your car no matter what tire it is using!

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