Yes I can, I put the car on a lift or level it on jack stands. Remove the front diff vent, you can’t miss it. It’s on the passenger side and looks like a rubber plug with a hose on it, you can pull it with two fingers and minimal force. The vent is accessible from under the hood. below, the front diff has a T70 drain plug and a 12mm overflow plug about a foot to the left of it. Remove both plugs, warning that liquid comes out quickly and makes a mess. Put the T70 plug back in and torque it to 36 ft lbs, which I’ve read is the spec for all exhaust plugs on diffs. Leave the overflow 12mm out and start filling through the vent hole using a long funnel with the gear oil of your choice, I used Amsoil. Continue to fill until it starts to run out of the 12mm overflow hole and let it run until it’s a steady drip, then install the overflow plug in the front now it’s done. The rear is easy, there is a drain and fill plug on the passenger side that requires a T55 torx that usually comes standard on any torx set and a 10mm Allen socket for the drain. Just drain it and fill it until it comes out of the fill plug and let it drink completely and install the fill plug and you’re done. The best advice I can give is to make sure you loosen the fill plugs first, because if you drain the fluid and can’t get the fill plug out, you’re going to hurt yourself.
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