Console vaults 20% off | Subaru Outback Forums

I’m not a for EDC vaults. I do not leave my EDC in the vehicle since locked console or not, it is very vulnerable to theft (these vaults are very easy to break into). Secondly, IMO there is no reason to have an EDC if I am not going to carry it with me on my person. Third, if I need to quickly transition out of the vehicle during an incident, I want that EDC with me and not have to take the time to get into the console (locked or not). The EDC serves its purpose best when secured and readily available on my person.

As for using a vault for a wallet etc, I would only do so if the parking area was secure on its own and rarely at that.

These “vaults” are really more lock boxes than true vaults and slow someone down by a minute or two (less for someone who knows what they are doing).

how secure are safes

For the reasons above…I pass.

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