Climbing 2020 – Top or Back Stack?

I’ve had enough lemons when it comes to this vehicle with too many warranty repairs to list, so when it comes to something “unusual” with it, nothing would surprise me. That said, this morning I was driving on a 3 lane highway with no one in front of me and a car maybe 75 feet behind me when I heard/felt a loud thump that sounded like something big or heavy hitting the top of my car or hitting me . rear. There was absolutely nothing on the road in front of me or behind me, no trees within a couple of hundred meters of the road, nowhere near any overpasses. It was so strange that I even wondered if the car that far behind might have fired at the vehicle, because the impact was significant and I can’t come up with any other explanation. The exterior of the car was carefully inspected and there was no visible damage. any thoughts?

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