CKE Performance Products Launch | Subaru Outback Forums

It has been a long time. I still need to find at least 5 clones.

I recently quit my steady job of 5 years. Combining that with single-handedly fighting racism and prejudice in the workplace. It has been exhausting. I really appreciate every customer who has waited for me, Some are still waiting for custom parts. Although the new “venture” will always be a constant work in progress.

As tdck/CKE.

I am also waiting for the art built by smallB (My daughter). Stormy’s Art Bin. Her academic grades overwhelm her physical talent. I also have one Parts bin which will start to fill up with all kinds of goodies. I am open to any suggestions. That’s how it is B.

Sorry for you, you lost your job, but you did the right thing, standing up for your beliefs, NOBODY needs to suffer discrimination or racism of any kind.
PEOPLE have a hard time being PEOPLE, I know firsthand.
Your daughter is very talented, wish her a wonderful future doing her beloved art.
She can create a comic book about a hero who comes to the rescue riding an Outback, “OBmen” 🚙 🧛‍♀️


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