Cant get FreeSSM or ROMRaider to Connect

It’s possible it could be your drivers, even though Windows 10 does recognize it. Below is the driver I used on my cheap cable, and it works with both RomRaider, FreeSSM.

(Admin, I hope it’s okay I’m linking the download page for the driver)

For me the setup with FreeSSM was the easiest/most straightforward. That said, I’d focus on that first. In my case I believe that after I installed the correct driver’s and verified that Windows recognized it then FreeSSM immediately worked without having to tinker with it… I could be misremembering, though. Actually, now that I think about it more, I think I had to run it under windows XP compatability mode along with running it as an administrator.

Like others mentioned, sometimes you need to mess with COM ports, especially for RomRaider and ECUFlash. I even found that I couldn’t reliably read/write onto my ECU via ECUFlash if I had any other USB device plugged in my laptop.

Regardless, I’d first focus on getting FreeSSM to work, as I don’t believe it needs JAVA (I could be wrong, again, it’s been a while since I first installed and figured everything out).

If none of that works, it may very well be the cable.

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