Burnt Metal smell from brand new Subaru Outback Touring XT

Hi folks – Searched the forums but could not find this issue. Please recategorize if I missed it. Purchased a brand new Outback Touring XT (2024) with 3 miles on the odometer. On my last two drives, I noticed that after I turn off the engine, there is a lingering smell that can only be described as burnt metal – sort of what you smell after your solder some metal parts together. The rational part of my brain says that this is just new engine getting things sorted and nothing to worry about. The irrational part of my brain thinks – oh my god, engine bits are grinding together and burning out. Anyone else experience this?

This goes without saying but I am following the manufacturer instructions re: engine break-in. Easy on-off the gas pedal and easy braking. Not exceeding 4,000 rpms, etc. etc.

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