Any experience with Android CarPlay head units from AliExpress?

No experience but contemplating buying one for another car. No plan for our ’16 OB though.

My thoughts are:
1. I think they are all similar if not the same (at least HW wise), as I can already visualize these being mass-produced at a factory in China then distributed to different wholesalers with their own “brands / stickers.”
2. I would search a few forum to see (as you are doing) – here is a link to a discussion of an Aliexpress unit installed on a Porsche Boxster (I happened to be reviewing this thread)
3. I would expect this to break down in a few years (if it works more than…..say 3+ years, I would consider that as “bonus” – keep the original unit just in case; you get what you pay for never failed for me :) DIY installation experience alone will be valuable

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