I ended up finding one at a Subaru shop near me (60 miles away). Had a good talk with the guy, really nice, seemed to know his stuff (Boxer Automotive, Richland, MI) He said cracking that sensor housing is certainly a “thing”, he did it ONCE, since after that you know better. He did say there is a kit for “fixing” it, costs $200 and only works if there’s enough left to work with and it’s dicey even then. Mine was too far gone. So, my “fix” was replacement. Moral of the story; one quarter turn too much will cost you $400. (used head 250, machine it 100, gaskets 50)
Stupid Tax
Welding is possible if you know a really good TIG guy, it’s caste aluminum and porous and contaminated and has soaked up a ton of oil. I certainly can’t do that, nor could I find one that would try, probably cost at as much as new head anyway.
I did wonder about using JB Weld or similar and literally packing the whole sensor back in there with a slug of it. That might work but of course I would never trust it long term. If it blows off you have about 1 mile before your oil is all gone, that I can confirm.
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