Agency Fees Before Tax | Subaru Outback Forums

Go to another dealer. Period. They are redundant. None of these fees are required, they are all massive profit centers for the business office. If you agree with them, all that happens is the F&I manager makes an additional $400 commission.

As for the Subaru 360, it is the roadside assistance program and is FREE for the first 3 years, as well as included in any additional warranty coverage charges. Subaru 360 CARE – Subaru Canada

$1600? Jose no way. This is just a “really love this car” charge.

All you have to pay for is the licensing, and maybe merchants can justify a small ($250 or less) admin fee, depending on what you get for it. The profit from the sale (and financing, where the real profit is) is the administration fee.

Happy to recommend Minden Subaru. It’s worth the drive. No gimmicks, no BS.

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