2023 Climb Brake Failure | Subaru Ascent Forum

Bought a brand new, factory direct, 2023 Ascent, in December. On 6/7 I was driving with my family and the brakes went out!!!! I was at a red light and the brakes were completely locked! You could hear metal grinding and the car started to shake. I fought to a halt. After the light changed, I barely sped into a parking lot. The brakes were still locked and stopping was almost impossible.

this could have taken out my whole family, caused a pileup, caused an accident, i could go on and on with what ifs. I am beyond shocked.
6/8 I called Subaru to raise an issue. I was told that I would hear from someone within 2 business days, 6/13 at the latest. 6/13 came around, hadn’t heard from anyone. I called them back, they claimed they had contacted my case manager, Porsha, and she would call me back. I have called every day since 6/13 and still have not heard from the case manager.

Subaru brags about their safety and customer care, but they have failed my entire family. At a loss how to handle this as I can’t even contact anyone at Subaru.

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