2008 H6 outback, P0123, P0223

. . They said I needed to replace the throttle actuator (which was the error code my scan tool threw)

Was that error code the same as the two you have now? If not, what was the original code,

. . I have since cleaned the throttle body and when I use my scan tool now I get these error codes P0123, P0223- which involve the car pedal sensor by wire. .

Did the store change any parts or you?
Did you remove the throttle body to clean it?

I believe those codes are for the gas position sensor and not the gas pedal.

Since the two codes are each tied to one of the two separate position sensors being used, it appears that the problem is rooted in something common to both. The position signals to the ECM are extremely high in both cases. This may be caused by the fact that the connector on the throttle is not fully seated.

If the throttle motor and sensor connector was moved/disconnected for cleaning, are you sure it was reinstalled correctly? When looking at the throttle body (engine off), is the plate pretty well in the closed position?

These codes flash immediately after the fault is detected and the engine goes into a “safe” state (aka “lean mode”) that sets the engine speed to one rpm — no throttle control from the gas pedal.

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